Your Elevated Space

Your Elevated Space

More calm, more clarity,

more from life.

Work 1:1 with me to get your space organized from start to finish in just 4 weeks. Together we'll clear the clutter, make the most of your space, and finally create lasting systems that elevate your life.

More Calm, More Clarity,

more from life.

Work 1:1 with me to get your space organized from start to finish in just 4 weeks. Together we'll clear the clutter, make the most of your space, and finally create lasting systems that elevate your life.

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

You've tried:

  • Watching all the videos and reading all the how-to articles on organizing you can get your eyes on

  • Writing out your "to-do" list, setting goals and promising yourself you'll actually make changes this time

  • Decluttering loads of things

  • Buying containers and a fancy label maker to tidy everything away

  • Telling everyone in your house they need to follow your new system

but then everything just falls apart again!


Inspiration will only get you so far.

I know you're thinking:

Surely, with the millions of decluttering and organizing videos and how-to posts and articles available on the inter-webs, there's got to be SOMETHING out there that will help me get the results I want!?

And the thing is: You're right.

So then why is it that when you try to implement all these tips, tricks, hacks and how-tos, nothing ever seems to stick?


There's no strategy: You get inspired, you're ready to transform your home (and life) with systems and routines, but can't seem to come up with a feasible plan of action. You don't know where to start first, struggle to stay focused and end up with lots of small projects in the works, with nothing ever getting finished.


There's no customization: You discover loads of ideas for new containers and baskets to buy, only to realize they don’t work for your space or lifestyle. Leaving you with a random array of new products you aren't using and a bigger mess than when you started. Not to mention, wasted time, energy and money.


There's no support: You find seemingly practical steps to take and routines to follow, but actually implementing them is more challenging or time consuming than you expected, and no one is helping. Then something comes up or life just gets in the way. Each time you hit a roadblock, you fall behind and your motivation starts to dwindle.

This is why getting your home in order and keeping it that way is so difficult. 

It’s not because you don’t want your home to be neat, organized, and inviting. Or that you haven't put in the effort to make it happen.

It’s because you don’t have a strategy that fits your space and lifestyle, a straightforward plan of action or support.

But, who the heck am I and why should you listen to me?

Great question!

In case we haven't met- Hi, I'm Celia!
My superpower is creating organizing solutions for overworked, busy people who want simple fixes to their chaotic clutter. 
As a business owner, wife and woman who’s hoping to maintain a social life, I’m plenty familiar with the stress that comes with trying to do all the things. I know the feeling of being overwhelmed by your responsibilities and the day-to-day chaos. And I’ve always found that controlling my spaces, keeping them sorted and clutter free is a form of self-care that really helps me perform at my best.
But even though I was great at organizing (did someone say Tetris Queen?), somehow things would fall apart and I’d have to do it all over again after a few weeks.
Balancing daily life, my budding career, AND trying to keep things organized was exhausting. 
Then I realized the problem:
I was more focused on finding creative ways to cram everything into a space than actually making it functional.

But organizing storage solutions are only a piece of being organized – it’s also about only having what you really need and can manage in your home, THEN storing it in a way that makes sense for your lifestyle.

I get it - when you’re in the thick of things, you’re accumulating more and more, often without realizing it. (No judgement here - it took moving abroad and being forced to downsize to make me realize I had too much stuff.)

The more things you have, the more storage containers you need and the more time you have to spend to maintain it, until it ends up taking over every area of your home, free time and let's be real - your sanity, too.
Getting a space organized, I love. 
Having to constantly tidy it up? I do NOT love.


Once I discovered that pretty much everyone I knew was dealing with this same struggle,

I went on a mission to help busy, overwhelmed people like you

learn simple solutions and organizing strategies so you can cut out all the clutter, create lasting systems and

live your best life.

Here's what I know for sure

you absolutely can...

✔️ Get back in control of your space and create the inspired world you’ve always wanted that’s only filled with the things, and people, you love
✔️ Transform your space from disarray into an orderly, neat oasis that you want to spend time in
✔️ Finally get started, stay motivated, and actually enjoy refreshing your space (and life)
✔️ Learn critical organizing foundations that will allow you to step into the version of yourself that keeps things organized in every aspect of your life

…no matter how hopeless or stuck in the mayhem you feel right now.

and my clients agree...

Your first step

to creating (and finishing!) organizing systems that actually last?

Re-evaluate and define your approach to organizing, ONE space at a time.

And that's exactly what we'll do together in my newest online program...

Your Elevated Space

My new 'YES' coaching program is a 4-week, one-on-one virtual home organization intensive that spells out exactly what you need to bridge the gap between the goals for your home and the steps it takes to get there, so you can finally get real results.

This is your invitation to have me personally take you through my proven organizing process, get you past roadblocks, celebrate your successes and keep you accountable to continue your progress so you can save time, money, and frustration by learning what the internet can't tell you.

Together, we're going to IMPLEMENT. And as a direct result, your space (and life), my friend, will ELEVATE.

How it works

Onboarding Call

First step? Rolling up my sleeves and going through every aspect of the space you’re ready to organize. We will dig into challenges, go through your routines, and set clear goals to maximize the work we’ll be doing together in the program. It’s time to set the vision for your space.

Individual action plan

No cookie-cutter steps here. Instead, I’ll be setting up your action items and streamlining them into a consolidated plan of attack. Every week, I will lay out your to-dos, a foundational organizing lesson to complete relating to your to-do item(s), and resources to maximize your time.

Coaching Calls

This is a hybrid coaching and done-for-you program. Meaning I’m checking in on your progress, going through the new concepts you’re learning and implementing, and making sure you are on track to reach your goals. I’ll be there to help overcome challenges that pop up as we conquer the clutter.

Organizing Plan and Shopping List Review

Follow the step-by-step process of creating an organization plan, inventory catalog, product shopping list, and maintenance routine. Together, we’ll review your plan and I’ll provide feedback to ensure you’re getting the best organizing products and making the smartest investments for your space. This is the magic skill set that will help you create the most impact now and in the future.

Custom Accountability System

With your needs, goals, challenges, and lifestyle in mind, I will tailor a custom accountability system for you. Working one-on-one with you allows me to find your motivating factors. “Rah-rah” positivity and pom poms don’t work for everyone. I will find out what does work for you and keep you on track every step of the way

Resource Vault Lifetime Access

Each week, I’ll be sending you resources to help you complete your action items, tailored specifically for your space and the items in it (no extra info overwhelm here!). These were formulated from years of working with clients from every walk of life. They’re tried-and-true methods that have transformed space after space. You'll have these resources along with many other helpful materials, indefinitely.

With these key Elements (and an expert in your back pocket),

you'll have everything you need to...

Feel Empowered

Build organization confidence with tools, systems, and habits that improve the function of your space and your quality of life.

Maintain REsults

Well-organized spaces are contagious… Once you implement a new system, household members will want in! This is the magic of starting with one space.

Create inviting Spaces

Proudly host family gatherings, invite loved ones into your home, and open up your space to enhance your relationships.

Rinse & Repeat

This work we’re doing is just the beginning. Once you master one small space, you’ll have everything you need to work through every space in your home.

Sound too good to be true?

Listen to what this YES client has to say about it.

The YES Program Breakdown:

Take a sneak peek into the work we’ll be doing together... 



I’ll be sharing a deep-dive project pre-call questionnaire to help you define goals, your project outcome metrics, and to gather everything I need to maximize our time together. Up next, we’ll hop on a call to clarify the process we’re about to dive into together. You’ll get started by taking “before” photos, reviewing resources, and starting to declutter and categorize your space. 

4 x Personalized Resources

• Clarity Framework Guide

• Photo Guide

• Declutter Guide & Worksheet

• Categorization Guide



On our call, we’ll review your decluttering and categorizing progress and it’s time to measure, draw, and plot your space. I’ll provide you with the exact steps to complete these as well as shopping list templates and store suggestions. I’ll provide feedback on your plans to make sure they’re perfect.

4 x Personalized Resources

• Space Planning Guide

• Design Guide

• Shopping Guide & Store Suggestions

• Shopping List Template



It’s time to start our implementation process. I’ll do a final run-through of your design plan and shopping list, and go through arrangement/placement, and labeling strategies with you. Action time! You’ll be getting your products while beginning to make your way on bringing your organized space to life.

3 x Personalized Resources

• Implementation Worksheet

• Labeling Guide

• Placement Guide



Let’s take it to the finish line. We will review your project progress, confirm your labeling strategy, and establish the secret to sustaining your results… A maintenance routine. Together, we will make a process that makes sense for you. Final step? Take those dazzling “after” photos and enjoy your new space!

3 x Personalized Resources

• Maintenance Guide

• Maintenance Routines Template

• How to Get Your Family On Board

and there's more!

Because I’m dedicated to your success, I'm throwing in this exclusive bonus...

[FREE] Post-Program Review Session

A one-on-one call to review how things are working now and identify any final tweaks that need to be completed. All while we ohhhh and ahhhhh at all of your results. I’ll also answer any lingering questions, tie up any loose ends, and give you everything you need to keep going.

All to make sure you can keep maintaining your beautiful, new space. 

Let me be real clear here...

This offer is not about organizing everything FOR you.

I’ve intentionally designed this one-on-one time to teach you the foundational organizing skills required to declutter and organize yourself, while leaning on an expert every step of the way.

But this isn’t JUST "coaching". Even “consulting” doesn’t do it justice. This isn't just me chatting with you, giving advice and answering your questions... This is me digging in, up to my elbows, sharing all the experience, knowledge, expertise and action-taking help I have to make sure you're successful.

Because the last thing you need is another cool video of people emptying their cereal into fancy bins and bottles.

You need:

  • to know exactly where that “whatchamacallit” you know you just purchased is.

  • function and storage that make sense for your space and fit your lifestyle

  • to clear the physical (and mental) clutter that's keeping you from your best self

I know firsthand how much this work can transform every aspect of your life

You will finally...

Stop wasting precious time and energy chasing clutter or nagging your family and, instead, be fully present with your loved ones.

Create breathing room in an oasis that reflects who you truly are and free up time for joyful experiences.

Get in control of your home, your things, and your life.

the best news? 

You don't have to know or do anything before we start.

This program works if you:

✔️ Want to dedicate time, energy and bandwidth to get organized, but need help getting started (and staying motivated)

✔️ Feel anxious and overwhelmed every time you sit down to try and organize your space(s)

✔️ Are exhausted from trying to stay on top of the order in your home and are ready for easy-to-follow organization methods that fit into your life.

… this program is done with you now so that you can do it for yourself for years to come.

Now It's decision time...

are you ready to conquer the chaos once and for all?

if it's a "Yes" for you, then let's create...

Your Elevated Space

• Project Strategy Deep Dive Call

(valued at $100)

• Individualized Action Plan

(valued at $150)

• Weekly Coaching Calls x3

(valued at $300)

• Organizing Plan & Shopping List Review (valued at $150)

• Custom Accountability System

(valued at $175)

• 14 x Resources (With Lifetime Access) + Additional Vault Resources

(valued at $150)

• BONUS Post Program Upkeep Session

(valued at $100)


Your Price: $683

Can't make time to organize right now?

I know you have A LOT going on right now. But here's the thing: there will never be a "right time".

And I want you to know that the organized home (and life!) you want to create is absolutely possible.

You’re tired of feeling overwhelmed by your space. You're tired of feeling like you’re all alone in this. You want someone to tell you step-by-step what to do, right? Well here I am, the organizing fairy godmother you've been hoping for.

So stop spinning your wheels. Stop putting this off. NOW is your time to make the changes you've always wanted to make. Sign up now and you'll be thanking yourself in four weeks.

you deserve this!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Does virtual organizing really work?

Yes – it’s all about having a plan and accountability… When you have someone telling you exactly what to do and championing you along, it’s hard to fail. If you feel like it’s not working, I’m right there to support you. Ultimately, your success depends on you, but I can guarantee if you show up, follow the process, attend the calls, ask questions, do the work, and trust the process... you will have the organized space you've been dreaming of. I’m good at what I do and I’ve put in as many support systems as I possibly can to foster your success, but it won’t work if you don’t show up and meet me halfway. If you do the work, it works. 

Q. Why is this better than a traditional organizing service (where someone comes in and does it for me)?

This learn-by-doing, one-on-one program will teach you the foundational organizing skills needed to create and maintain an organized space. The reality is, when someone else does it for you, it’s more likely to fall apart. Sure, you could hire someone to simply come in, get rid of stuff, and set up a system that they think works well or is pretty. But what if that system doesn’t work for you and your habits? What if it’s too complicated for you to maintain? Getting you involved and teaching you how to put things together, and why, helps ensure you can maintain your results. Just like the “teach a man to fish” analogy, I'm here to teach you how to catch your own fish, not just hand over the tuna. And that means you're getting life-long skills you can use “rinse and repeat” in other rooms. #MoreBangForYourBuck

Q. What types of organizing projects can you help with?

The program is designed to help you transform one space, from start to finish. Working on just one space at a time is what minimizes overwhelm and allows you to stay focused as we dive in deep to create a comprehensive, high-functioning system for your space. A “space” is defined as a room in the home, such as the kitchen, closet, playroom, laundry/utility room, home office, garage, or bathroom.

Q. How much time a week do I need to spend working on my space?

This depends on the condition of the space, your goals, and how efficiently you’re able to make decisions. It could take as little as 2 hours per week or as many as 5 hours per week. In the decluttering phase, the more items you have in your space, the more time it will require to process them. Similarly, if you want to revamp your space with a lot of organizing products, it may take more time to plan out your space and find the right products.  I will help you speed up the process by providing you with a decision-making framework, step-by-step instructions to keep you moving, and support to answer questions or share resources. During our kick-off call, we’ll estimate how much time you need to spend each week and come up with a strategy for how to break it down so it fits into your schedule.

Q. What if I fall behind and can’t complete the action plan each week?

That’s what you have me for – the main benefit of this program is having someone to minimize obstacles and keep you on track. My action plan will help make your work more efficient and we’ll strategize exactly how to break down what you need to do into time chunks that fit with your schedule. Each week, we’ll pull up your calendar and schedule time blocks to work on the organizing, then we’ll customize your accountability system with regular reminders and check-ins. If you get off track or stuck at any point, just let me know and I’ll give you the exact steps to get you back on it. I’m available throughout the week via email to answer questions or adjust your plan. If you’re still behind when we have our next call, we’ll review your progress and challenges and adjust your action plan accordingly.

Q. I struggle with staying motivated, how can you help with that?

My role is to be your coach and your biggest cheerleader – I’m always there to celebrate wins, get you in the right mindset, and keep you pumped up so you can sustain motivation. You’re not alone anymore.

Q. Will I have to throw everything away to get organized?

No, you do not need to be a minimalist to get organized. But you DO have to be practical about what you're keeping in your home and why. Which means it may be necessary to declutter some of your belongings to get your home organized the way you’d like it to be, but you won’t have to throw away everything. Plus, the decision about what stays and what goes is completely up to you. By helping you become clear about the reasons you want to get more organized and the benefits you will enjoy when you’re done, you may find that decluttering is easier than it has been in the past. Either way, I’ll be there to support you and help you make the best decisions for you!

Q. How much do I need to spend on organizing products?

As much or as little as you like, you decide – it’s all driven by your goals and budget. You don’t have to spend anything at all. In fact, to start, I typically have clients use common household items like shoe boxes, delivery boxes, or structured shopping / gift bags to sort things during the define phase. However, when we get to the design phase, if you want to incorporate more stylish storage options, we’ll review your goals and needs and determine which products will enhance your space, keeping your product budget in mind. That said, clients looking for a more streamlined (photo-worthy) result will spend about $250-$500 on average for organizing products.

Q. Will you also help me with interior design and/or styling for the space?

Although I fancy myself to have an eye for pleasing aesthetics, I am not an interior designer nor a stylist and my skills in that department are very limited. My specialty lies in designing order. I’m happy to give recommendations on organizing products that I feel look good together and how to arrange items in a visually pleasing way, but advising on architecture and decor is outside of my scope.

Q. What happens if I have an emergency during the four weeks?

As a truly customized program, we can build in flexibility – if something comes up one day, we’ll adjust the rest of the week to accommodate. For illnesses, we can pause the program for up to one week. For more intense/time-consuming emergencies or uncontrollable “Act of God” circumstances that prevent your ability to work on the program (i.e. death in the family, war, fire, or natural disaster), we can pause the program until a reasonable time after the emergency or event.

Q. If I start the program and change my mind, can I get a refund?

If at the end of the first week, you feel like you’re not making any progress or the program isn’t the right fit for you, then I’ll return 75% of your investment. You must request the cancellation and refund at the start of week 2, coaching call 1.

It all starts with your completely free, decision making session to see if this YES program is the right fit for you…


me too!

*Please only book a session if you are serious about getting your space truly organized and have the ability to financially take part in the program.

Ready to start today on your own?

Get my free organizing roadmap with my simple 5-step process to organize any space in your home.

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