Hi there, I'm Celia.

I'm In The Business of transforming lives, through organized spaces.

As a professional home organizer + coach, I improve people’s lives by teaching them how to cut clutter and create practical, maintainable organizing solutions for their living spaces.

This isn’t a hobby.
It’s not a side gig or something I'm doing until I can find a "real job"...

I'm dedicated to the work I do, the people I work with and the amazing results I get (see here).

My Savvy Space method for organization is a way of elevating life.
And it’ll be what elevates your life, too (if I have anything to do with it).

The boom of the home organization industry

has been good, and bad...

You're excited about getting organized. You know it can make a difference in your life, but...

You’re faced with opposing tips and hacks to stay organized. 

Endless ideas with no understanding of how to implement them or take action.

What you have tried makes you feel bound to a strict plan that simply doesn’t suit your lifestyle, and it's a struggle to keep up. 

This is why it’s imperative to learn the critical foundations of organizing while implementing a plan that takes your day-to-day life into account.

The Savvy Space is my answer to these problems.

My superpower is creating organizing solutions for overworked, busy people who want simple fixes to their chaotic clutter.

As a business owner, wife and woman who’s trying to maintain a social life, I’m plenty familiar with the stress that comes with trying to do all the things. I know the feeling of being overwhelmed by your responsibilities and the day-to-day chaos.

When I started my career in home organization, just about everyone I encountered - my friends, my family, colleagues - everybody was bogged down by clutter and chaos... and I knew I could help.

Through The Savvy Space, I've made it my mission to help people all over the world cut out clutter that’s in the way, really organize their spaces and get the results they want - even if they don’t love organizing like I do.

Erm, what exactly Does a organizing coach do, anyway?

I get that question a lot - it comes with the "revolutionary" territory.

So here's the deal:

A Professional Organizer helps with the ‘how’. The practical logistics of organizing. 
A Professional Coach helps with the ‘why’. Digging into motivation and habit forming. 

A Professional Organizing Coach (that’s me!) answers both. 

Sometimes, the actual act of organizing isn’t enough. 

Sometimes, you need the ‘why’... the lifestyle and habit changes, and new routines to maintain the system.

There’s a time and place for ‘done-for-you’ services. Creating a home that actually enhances your life AND is easy to maintain, isn’t one.

My 'Ah-ha' Moment

I’ve always gravitated toward order and found that controlling my spaces, keeping them sorted and clutter free is a form of self-care that really helps me perform at my best. Well-ordered systems, neat storage, and everything having its own place in my home were the norm.

But even though I was great at organizing (did someone say Tetris Queen?), somehow things would fall apart and I’d have to do it all over again after a few weeks.

Balancing daily life, my budding career, AND trying to keep things organized was exhausting...

Then things changed...

My husband’s relocation with work had us moving from an American townhouse into a very European apartment (re: massive downsize!). But being forced to downsize was actually the best thing for me.

Left with just the bare essentials, I discovered not only that I didn’t need as many things as I had, but also how much easier it was to stay organized with less. And with all the clutter stripped away, I realized I had enough room to make the little spaces in my home more efficient.

And I finally realized the problem...

I was more focused on finding creative ways to cram everything into a space than actually making it functional.

But organizing storage solutions are only a piece of being organized...

It’s also about only having what you really need and can manage in your home, THEN storing it in a way that makes sense for your lifestyle.
When you’re in the thick of things, you’re accumulating more and more, often without realizing it. (No judgement here - it took moving abroad and being forced to downsize to make me realize I had too much stuff.)

Here's the reality:

The more things you have, the more storage containers you need and the more time you have to spend to maintain it , until it ends up taking over every area of your home, free time and let's be real - your sanity, too.
Getting a space organized, I love.
Having to constantly tidy it up? I do NOT love.

Organizing for everyone.

When I created The Savvy Space, I knew I wanted it to be more than just your typical professional organizing service. Everyone deserves a well-functioning, beautiful home — not just those who can afford to hire a professional organizer to do it for them. I wanted to teach busy people how to organize themselves, just like I did.

That vision stayed with me until last year, when I finally created the Your Elevated Space home organizing coaching program. As the first-ever online organizing coaching service of its kind, the 'YES' program provides a personalized, step-by-step system and personalized support for your organizing project from start to finish. It gives busy families the tools they need to get organized and STAY ORGANIZED — no matter where they are, or how busy every-day life becomes.

Ready To fast-track your success?

Get unstuck and into action in as little as 1 hour with my virtual coaching calls.
The Savvy Space home organizing

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